Tuesday 31 July 2012

Why despise the dear leader and then adopt his dumbest policy?

The Olympics had not even begun and a post from Greek athlete Paraskevi Papahristou got her kicked out and sent home before the opening flame had been lit. Ms. Papahristou wrote on her twitter page "With so many Africans in Greece .. At least the mosquitoes of West Nile .. will eat homemade food!!!!" http://www.sbnation.com/london-olympics-2012/2012/7/25/3186140/greek-athlete-racist-tweet-Paraskevi-Papahristou Despite her numerous apologies over the matter, being axed was the only politically correct way to spare the hurt feelings of "outraged followers." Think such occurrences are rare in Sports? Think again. Association Football (Soccer) player John Terry faces criminal charges for "allegedly" (yes there's no concrete proof) calling Anton Ferdinand a "Fucking Black Cunt." Terry has since been found not guilty in court but faces further charges over "abusive and/or insulting words and/or behaviour." As stupid, unfunny and insulting as these remarks are, neither athlete should be branded in such an austere way for sharing an expression, however miserable it may be (these two certainly were). As has been mentioned on this blog (and will continued to be) freedom of speech is a universal human right. http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/. Bad jokes (it was nothing more than that) by Miss. Papahristou should not be labelled. Every view is different. Free speech remains the same.

For anyone unschooled in the proper definition, the core definition is a philosophy all people of a certain race possess certain characteristics. The second definition is the prejudice and discrimination. So, with that aside, being racist is a point of view. A view which, under free speech can be expressed. Many- New Zealanders think Asians are bad drivers, Australians are very oppressive towards Aboriginals, Americans secretly loathe Hispanics, atheist Daniel Dennett says God is "not anything a sane, undeluded adult could literally believe in." Free speech has given him the right to speak, enabling Christian apologists William Lane Craig and John Lennox the chance to engage in formal civil debate with him. Just as each person has a right to express views which are unpopular. People who cover others with slime, often reverting to name calling pretend they do not enjoy political correctness but act in an obstreperous way towards anyone disagreeing with them, calling it "offensive" "bigoted" "intolerant" or anyone who disagrees with them. The other examples mentioned still stand yet remain hidden, (not very well though). The United States Government doesn't even allow people to criticise them, unless they enjoy being harassed incessantly by shady Government officials, as Alexander Ronzhes found out here. http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5054887075933965458#editor/target=post;postID=4957909100449835168

The totalitarianism which many western countries are creeping towards is alarming if banning athletes and seeking to criminalise anyone from sharing their point of view. Countries refusing entry to Holacaust deniers, people picketing against gay marriage getting arrested for alleged hate speech, whilst homosexual rights campaigners get away with assaulting them. There's supposed to be an impartial law governing all yet one side appears to hold favor with the law. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Hammond
Pretend as much as possible that this matter will go away. Secretly these undemocratic, unjust, intolerant, free speech suppressors enjoy having high levels of power, spurting out lies that it's all about equality, when mind control is their main agenda; no view but their's can be accepted. So long as legislation continues to pass through (society have little or no input) then rights are trampled upon.

A lasting memorial of what side effects nations who impose such suppression endure need only look towards North Korea to see how disastrous these Utopias full of suppression end up. Kim Il Sung founded this single party state as the dear leader over everything in 1953, when cease fire in the Korean war occurred. He managed to subterfuge everyone into believing such a government will benefit everybody. Since then, nobody has been allowed to speak against the dear leader or risk arrest, there can be nothing but talk of the dear leader (now Kim Jong Un although Kim Il Sung remains president). Go visit North Korea today or see it on television and try believing what is shown. Are these people actually convinced a real life incarnation of (George Orwell's) Big Brother holds all the answers or are they merely asserting he's the man out of fear they may get locked up for treason?

The Soviet Union also encouraged children to spy on their parents and report them for any controversial comments they made whilst Joseph Stalin sat pretty. Such endorsements continue to happen again in America, where children are being brainwashed into believing monitoring their parents is beneficial in fighting against the war on terror. Such a ridiculous war, which to be clear was started by George Bush and Anthony Blair is now stripping parents of a right to a quiet life. Such banter must be swiftly dealt with, or else unsurprisingly there may be less parents having children in areas where such propaganda overrules the First Amendment.

People do not have to agree on everything and certainly not with noisemakers who are unwilling to engage in a civil debate. Independence of mind is fast disappearing. Hopefully people can see the message now and speak up before the transformation is complete. Time to stop pretending nothing is happening. In the words of Voltaire "I disagree with what you say but will defend to death your right to say it."

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