Monday 16 July 2012

Suppressing free expression; one of the core ethos of AUSA

There are many ways which Auckland University is associated with "overrated". For beginners, their childish, ungrateful students do whatever they can to cause chaos in the street because their bottle wasn't filled to the top. The disjointedness of building locations facilitating and aiding 39,000 students in their studies has led to many not feeling a part of the University at all and from the Vice Chancellors side, there seems to be very little done to aid students with transport subsidisation. But now, the Auckland University Students association (AUSA) is doing everything within their efforts to shut down the Pro-Life (Anti-Abortion group).

Modern complainers lack the courage to even come forth and state their points and often plug their ears when someone they disagree with is speaking in rebuttal. Rather unsurprisingly, this complainer was "an anonymous source" who rather than giving specific reasons, resorted to waffling on about the fliers distributed by the group containing "misleading information," and "presents lies about health procedures in New Zealand." This source could not be more vague, lacks any hard backing, cannot state any of the "misleading information" and if anything, is lying to many people. Many of the reasons given against the medical procedures of abortion are backed up by medical health studies on the topic. Whoever this coward complainer is cannot dismiss such facts as if they are some sort of mental disorder. If anything, they could give rational reasons for dismissing the findings.

Arena Williams, head of the AUSA saying that the manner in which her Association could have dealt with the complaint straight away, mentioning "it would not have been in favor of what Pro-Life are doing."

An earlier post "Want to be offended? Go ahead and be offended" gives a more in depth perspective towards the dangers on political correctness, so this will merely be a summary. A rendition of King vs Pawn is out again, with no fair chance for the Pro-Life group to defend themselves, no prior warning given about the impending doom and destruction of the group by AUSA. It's really just using the most abject and lowest propaganda complaints for the cheapest purposes. As for the "threat to students health, don't be stupid." None of the board members on the student association or anyone backing this anonymous tipster knows or cares about the mental health risks associated with reading a leaflet. Here's a more sensible question to ask. If this was the "Environmental Justice Group" or the "Women's Welfare Group" would Ms. Williams and her brigade be so oppressive and intolerant towards them? No. Because this group goes against a mainstream idea generally accepted as right (which is very questionable), then many people would prefer to see it's demise.

What needs to be done? Firstly, whoever is supporting the club's removal without trial ought to hold their breaths for a moment and let the Club leader(s) defend themselves against the accusations. Easier said than done. Second, the cowardice complainer ought to speak up and associate them-self with the rather vague and sputtered comment. If they believe what they said, they ought to defend it with clear reasoning. Third, Auckland University Students Association need learn to be a bit more impartial and less biased towards clubs which do not hold politically correct opinions. Again, easy to say, hard to implement.

Nobody wants to live in a society where they are not allowed to defend themselves or express their opinions, however unpopular of offensive they may be. So why let this suppression trickle down from mainstream society into Universities? This movement must be met with scorn and avoided at all costs because it offends masses by not allowing groups to voice opinions. The Pro-Life club must be supported here, (if not for their stance) for their right to free expression

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