Tuesday 10 July 2012

Self Service Kiosks? Just another reason to avoid KFC

Is there anybody who thinks KFC produces real high quality fast food? Does their menu even consist of anything real at all? Perhaps in small scant areas. Hardly worthy of any mention in recent times, the executives have had to implement extreme tactics to pull people through the door. Now, after a trial in France, self service kiosks are being brought into KFC's in New Zealand, starting on the North Shore. In addition to discouraging face to face interaction, these clunky machines will put people out of work and cause clutter. No new surprises that KFC is just becoming more and more unattractive nutritionally, hygienically and socially.

Last year the incredibly unhealthy double down was introduced, with the core appeal being its unhealthiness. This year Rusell Creedy and his business partners have introduced the KFC pie. Mr. Creedy says "I can cofirm I had a few and it's an excellent product," then adding "It's New Zealand-made as well" as if saying so makes it ten times more attractive http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/industries/financial-results/7017466/KFC-launches-pie-Double-Down-returns. Health groups will be alarmed and so should anyone thinking about making a trip to KFC about how dangerous these foods for the arteries and general well being. A double down has 540 calories, 288 of those calories coming from fat on top of the gigantic sodium top off. http://www.kfc.com/doubledown/. Mr. Creedy must have little regard for his health by wolfing down these New Zealand made pies, which pack together 40g of fat (50-65% of suggested daily fat intake), 115mg of cholesterol, and just for kicks, 1680mg of sodium. KFC has emerged as a dangerous place to spend money, to eat food, anything of the kind and if diners there were aware of just how dangerous this food is for their health, they wouldn't be seen within 100 metres of it.

In addition to serving bad food (made popular by the oblivious media), there is the poor level of hygiene and general cleanliness within the restaurants. Throughout the multiple reviews of KFC restaurants throughout the world, there is moral outrage over the poor hygiene shown by everyone, team members and managers alike. One person writes that "KFC Lancaster is probably the worst in the world" continuing on to say "Cleanliness and Hygiene - There is not enough room to even begin typing in here the disgraceful haphazard manner with which cleaning is carried out." More locally in New Plymouth a reviewer writes "The bean salad had been previously dropped...and the now bearly recognisable bread roll had been stuffed in the only remaining space in the box and was flat." If KFC really wants to begin making claims to be a great family place to be the first two things which can be done are to improve the food quality to "eatable" and make the staff have a bit more pride in themselves and their workplace. Clearly, this element is lacking, which is disappointing as it's relatively easy to fix.

Now there is increased hype and craze over fast food allegedly becoming even faster due to self serve kiosks. Mr. Creedy begins to spin a web of lies by saying "If anything, you tend to increase staff because you get more customers through the door." Note how slyly this would be said (almost like Mr. Slippery whenever he has to come up with more lies), because having big bulky machines does not increase sales at all, nor will it make KFC capable of employing more staff, unless huge renovations are conducted at the respective joints these machines are going to be http://www.nzherald.co.nz/technology/news/article.cfm?c_id=5&objectid=10818500. Basic Economics. Face to face communication is something Mr. Creedy wants to rid in his store, preferring to have KFC customers be anti social and prevent them from receiving a complementary smile and "Thank you" or "Have a nice day" from a human being, rather than an emotionless machine.David Hare has a famous quote saying "Smiles are the language of love." Very few people out there prefer a virtual smile to a real one.

One day KFC might radically change their menu, adding healthier foods into the menu, presenting customers with a clean environment and well presented food. Here's to hoping these self service kiosks don't last. If they do, it's just another reason to avoid KFC.

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