Sunday 29 July 2012

The pretentious word for today-PARTNER

Are romantic couples in cohabitation really fooling anyone when referring to their boyfriend or girlfriend as their "partner?" Small groups may fall for this trickery but many who can read between the lines are aware how inept anyone using this word is when answering what exactly makes them a partner. Most times, these groups admit the word partner means boyfriend or girlfriend rather than husband or wife. Merely using the words makes them seem more sophisticated and committed to the relationship than they probably are. Something seems amazingly adrift when married couples begin referring to their spouses as partners, as if using the words husband and wife is beneath them. Probably no surprise as less people choose to get married now days, drifting in and out of several relationships, unable to settle comfortably. Simply put, the word partner today stands for "current lover; good until I tire of you and/or find someone else."

The word partner can be used in many contexts. A partner in business, a dance partner, a partner in crime and of course a marital spouse. All appropriate and specific. Why jump aboard and offer sloppy colloquial alternatives in describing one's current lover? Pretend married couples (boyfriend and girlfriend) use "partner" to give themselves an elevated feeling of esteem to feel better knowing the fact they aren't actually committed to being in a lifelong relationship with each other but pretend to be so others think higher of them. After all, it sounds a lot more mature and secure than an immature bf/gf scenario. One cannot help but shudder sullenly but if people revert to using such literary iniquities to describe their partner, instead of using simple words "boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance, husband, wife." Someone ought to ask next time, to anyone using this vague word, to mention the proper status they share with this "partner."

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