Thursday 5 July 2012

Kim Dotcom: Guilty until proven innocent

Kim Dotcom ought to fly over voluntarily to the United States. He will not need to stay long to prove how unjust the case against him is, certainly won't need a lot of time proving his innocence and can get back to enjoying life in his massive Coatesville Mansion with his wife and children. To think the Plastic States (yes they've earned this nickname, for their phony justice system too which will be discussed in more detail through the post) want to put away someone who has had his company endorsed by many music icons, movie stars and socialites. The following video has some of the many endorsers of Megaupload in a song singing their praises of Dotcom's website. The core problem is not the charges being made against Dotcom, it's the manner in which the United States is strutting about, arrogantly demanding the New Zealand government comply with their every demand. Thus far, the small island government has happily been the lap dog. Just as well New Zealanders are throwing their weight behind a man who is guilty until proven innocent.

All the drama began in January 2012, when the Police raided the Multimillionaire's mansion, smashing down doors, confiscating a large portion of his assets, freezing his bank accounts, shutting down the website and putting the man and his supposed co-conspirators in jail. Immediately, the United States Government wanted to extradite him on accounts of alleged online piracy, copyright infringements, and money laundering. Recently, High Court Judge Justice Helen Winkelmann deemed the search warrants to conduct the raid "invalid" and "that moves by the FBI to copy data from Dotcom's computer and take it offshore were also unlawful." Hardly a surprise, considering the FBI conducts many big time raids each week with invalid warrants.

Further ways to make Kim Dotcom the ignoble perpetrator of some mass crime has come up short of foolhardy. An allegation that he was responsible for $500 million of lost revenue, is the CORE reason they want him extradited. Money certainly talks. Whinging studio executives annoyed about an undelivered bonus. Small pittance for conniving, selfish oxygen thieves. Something which has not been mentioned much, and which Dotcom rightfully addressed in his interview on Campbell Live, was how little he heard from these executives and copyright holders when these files were being shared on his website. In fact, only one dispute was put forth and settled for a fee since it's inception as a file sharing website. "We have a regime of taking things down which are reported to us, which we have done over all these years. We are protected according to the law." And indeed Megaupload is, under the Digital Milennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Youtube ran into a similar situation in 2010, coming up against Viacom, which claimed Youtube founders knew their up-loaders were engaged in copyright infringement. Good reason suggests if Kim Dotcom proves his innocence here (or if need be in the United States) a similar outcome will be given.

Nothing is more heinous than suggesting Kim Dotcom serve time in jail at all. He's clearly found a smart way to legally allow copyrighted information to be shared. Where is the credit when it's most needed. The man clearly realised potential for it in the online market and has legally got every right to continue operating this website, without the need to be hassled by the Fickle Boy Investigators (FBI). The Plastic States justice system is alarmingly inconsistent. Here is where many people, American and Kiwi are up in arms of fury that Dotcom may see more jail time than many mass murderers, rapists, child molesters and torturers. If justice of this capricious nature is due, then before looking at someone like Dotcom, how about locking up the scungy, greedy, pathetic Wall Street dwellers and investment bankers who nearly sent the world into economic meltdown. Bernie Madoff got a just sentence and it's about time many of those other crooks get sentenced to fifty years before the United States Government even tries moving in on a man who hasn't even been proven to have broken any copyright laws.

As soon as the New Zealand government grows some arms and legs and makes its own decisions, rather than allowing the Plastic States Fickle Boy Investigators to think for them, the sooner Kim Dotcom will be proven innnocent...and righfully so. Thankfully, justice is starting to speak and Dotcom is brave and shrewd enough to continually prove he's done nothing wrong.

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